Commercials between rounds, missing 2D charm, good gameplay
-paying for panda levels i think is fair. Like a cupcake sale for charity... but...
If you pay for a game, not a "freemium" game, a paid game, you should not have to see commercial links for their other games between rounds of gameplay. Maybe I could stand it once in the beginning when you start the app, OK, but once I pay for a game I just want to play it. You can try to argue that because theyre currently donating the money to charity that I should have to put up with whatever they throw at me, however dont kid yourself, this is a big tax write-off for apple and the developers. They get some promo... and then the money you give them is being donated to a nonprofit organization, that "loss" is a tax write-off.
--That aside, not a big fan of the 3D graphics. The 2D versions of om nom are so charming.
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